
I typically solve partial differential equations for a living, since this was not geeky enough, I dabbled in website development. I did the whole nine yards, from WYSWYG tools, to Html coding, from creating two separate pages for mobile and desktop sites, to responsive design. Serif to WordPress. This site is just an exploration of what I have learnt (on trial and error basis) including the Idiagress theme video.


Key Websites

Work in Progress


Short Stories, Movies, Sports, Science, Nostalgia and much more.

मराठी मध्ये किस्से,
Aptitude Testing
School Memories
Arsenal Football


Business site
sub-domains like services, training

Prime Imaging

Site for a diagnostic center.
Responsive approach

Brief BIO

M.S. Mechanical, Univ. of TX, Ar, USA

College Learning and Reading Association (CLRA), USA certified Level 2 Tutor

CAE Consultant by Day

Research Publications (h-index 5, i10-index 3, citations 77)

Authored Introductory book on Artificial Intelligence (Amazon | book site)

Writing Enthusiast  |  Arsenal Fan   |   Website Creator   |   Aptitude Trainer   |    Graphics



Vinaay Patil

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Years of supporting Arsenal
Idiagress Articles
Research Citations